The COVID-19 crisis may have made some things in your life a bit more difficult, but sending money with Western Union shouldn’t be one of them. You have questions and we have answers; we took the most asked questions from our social media channels and answered in an easy-to-read format for you.
What can I do to send/receive if all the agents are closed?
In over 100 countries, you can still send money around the world with or the Western Union® app. Receiving money is easy too, just have your sender transfer it directly to your bank account or digital wallet with Western Union’s digital services.
Can someone else pick up money for me?
Only the designated receiver is allowed to pick up Western Union money transfers. If this is not possible for you due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we suggest asking your sender to transfer the money directly to your bank account. No pick up required.
What happens with my money if I can’t pick it up?
Don’t worry. Your transfer can be picked up within 30 days after sending. Your sender can always reactivate your transfer if you aren’t able to pick it up within this time.